It is turning out to be an expensive summer. First off, I
managed to snag myself a Wacom tablet (as you can see from the picture
though, I still need plenty of practice with it). I'm using it to
color and shade my comic right now, and occasionally add in the odd
object here and there. I found it pre-owed and on sale for $80, a
good price. But what I didn't know was that I would be needing all
the money I could get this summer. It all started when my cars air
conditioner died. It would have cost as much as the car war worth to
get it fixed, so I was faced with either wasting money to fix a car
that isn't worth the sum of it's parts, or going through the summer
without air-conditioning. Fortunately (sort of) one of the mechanics
is a friend of the family, and he told me that one of the other
mechanics had just fixed up a car and was planning to sell it.
A 2001 Jeep Cherokee. So faced with the realization that, as much as
I loved my current car, it was a piece of junk, I decided to go for
the new one. It's a nice car and in great shape, but there is the
little matter of the money. So most of my money will be going to that
for the next year or so.
Then there was the fender bender I managed to cause in a parking lot.
Because my car was in the shop, I had to use my mom's very large van
to drive my brother to the store. And while trying to pull in next
to an even larger (and, of course, very expensive) SUV,well... This
resulted in more expensive for my self (as well as feeling like an ass).
I'd like to say I hate
SUV's, but we do own one. Still, we actually use ours to fill with
stuff and pull a trailer when we go camping with the Boy Scouts.
So I will say that, I hate people who buy SUV's when a rice burner
would do just as well. Even soccer moms only need a Jeep or something.
Anyway, I guess it's a good thing I got this new job at the Bridgewater
Courthouse, much nicer than Bridgeway. I work entering tickets into
the computer and running abstracts and stuff. I still am technically
employed by Bridgeway too, but I probably won't end up working there
more than a day or two a month now, which is fine because my new job
pays a lot better, and doesn't suck half as much.